December 9, 2014

Free Delphi and RAD Studio Object Pascal Online Training with Marco Cantu

You're invited to attend a free three hour training on Delphi and RAD Studio, focusing on the Delphi / Object Pascal language, with Marco Cantu. This training is free if you own RAD Studio or Delphi XE7 or if you download a free trial of RAD Studio or Delphi XE7.

The Ins and Outs of Delphi’s Object Pascal

Wednesday, December 17, 2014
6AM San Francisco / 9AM New York / 2PM London
2PM San Francisco / 18-Dec 7AM Tokyo / 18-Dec 9AM Sydney

This online training session goes beyond the classic webinar to offer in-depth coverage of new features added to Delphi’s Object Pascal language over recent years.

The sessions will start by reinforcing some of the lesser known foundations, cover the big changes introduced after 2007, and delve into the latest and mobile-related language extensions. This exclusive online event, only for XE7 users, will help you take advantage of the full power of the Object Pascal language from the author of the Object Pascal Handbook and RAD Product Manager.

  • The Status of Object Pascal
  • Classic Features: Interfaces and Class Operations
  • Records on Steroids with Methods and Operators
  • Generics and Anonymous Methods
  • 30-minute Break
  • Reflection and Attributes
  • Class and Record Helpers (including Intrinsic Type Helpers)
  • Memory Management and ARC
  • Q&A
This training session (valued at $500) is FREE for registered RAD Studio or Delphi XE7 customers and trial users. You must register your trial or product before the training. Download RAD Studio today.

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