September 19, 2009

Aspect oriented programming with Delphi Prism

In this video, Nick Hodges, the Delphi Development Manager, describes how to use Aspect Oriented Programming (Aspects) in Delphi Prism. Aspects are a way of injecting code “across” your code horizontally instead of inheriting vertically. A common example is the notion of logging, where an Aspect can “inject” logging capability anywhere in your code using an attribute.

After watching the video, you can learn more about Delphi Prism or download a free trial of Delphi Prism and try it for yourself.

You can also read more about AOP and how it works on Wikipedia.

And you can read more about the specifics of Aspect Oriented Programming with Delphi Prism on the Delphi Prism Wiki.

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